Shiodasi devi is very beautifull godess among all godess in dasaavtars.shodasi devi is 6th dasamahvidya. The godess repesents 5th number,bhudha graha,aslesha,jaista,revathi nakstras in astrolgy.Those who born in 5th,14,23 dates and above birth stars,meduna,kanya lagna born people need to worship this godess.
Bhudha graha is repesents mental strenght and ability.if bhudha graha weak in mena rasi or combine with rahu or ketu and chandra graha it effcts on our mind.we face negative thougts ,lacke of tactics some things uneasyness hapenss in our mind so, to over came this we need to worship this godesss.
Beeja mantra of this godess is KA,AE,EE,LA,HREEM,HA,SA,KA,LA,HREEM,SA,KA,LA,HREEM.need chant 1lakh 25 thosand times,facing north,wear green color dress,nedd to strat on wensday.In vastu any doshas in north side by pryaing this godess we can over such doshas.
who arfe in electrics and elctronics,tele communications,journalisam,printing,resarch,satonary,news,mathamatics,music professions need pary this godess for better reasults in their professions.advertisng,creativeness,analyasis power,taking power such things we can improve by worshing this godess.If we have any nervous,skin,thyriod problem we need to pray this godess


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