DHOOMVATHI is 4th dasamavidya.By worshiping this godess we can overcome all diseases and miseries. Molla mantra of this godess is"DHOOM DHOOM DHOOMVATHI THA THA PHUT" Japamantra count is 1lakh25thousand,no timeperiod.facing south sit on black asana wear balck color dress and need strat on sunday.Drydates are used as prasadam

Dhoomvathi controls rahu graha sothat who born in arudra,sthabisha,swathi stars and rahu no 4 sothat who born in 4,13,22 dates need to worship this godess.

Rahu such a kind of graha who has contrloe on magical powers,kalsarpa dosha,mysterious diseases,balck magic,imprisonment,electric and who has rahu dosha he facess lot of problems like above mentioned.Sothat to over come all kind of such problems we need to worship the godess dhoomavathi.

Those people who are in mechnical,electricle and electronics and aeronautical grow in theier carrier need to worship this godess.who want go foreign countries need worship this godess.Rahu gives materalistic benfits.

Acording to vastu shastra dhoomvathi indiactes niruthi in house,sothat who has dosha in niruthi like vidhi potu or vidhi shoola and entrance in niruthi those pepole need to worship this godess to over come such doshas.


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